Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The physicians in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation deliver comprehensive care to adults with neuromusculoskeletal impairments due to traumatic injury and disease.
We treat patients with cerebro-vascular accidents, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, multiple trauma, and neuromuscular disorders in our inpatient rehabilitation unit at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. We evaluate hospital patients for acute rehabilitation needs, while working closely with the referring physicians, and provide additional services such as bedside electromyographic studies, pain management, and prescription of medical equipment and therapies.
We also see patients at nursing home facilities for their sub-acute rehabilitation and chronic care. Outpatient services in Andrews Hall include EMG/nerve conduction studies, treatment of musculoskeletal pain, sports injuries, chronic pain, neck/back problems, and occupational injuries, utilizing electrodiagnostic studies, manual medicine therapy, trigger point injections, acupuncture, and prescription of exercises and physical modalities. We also perform independent medical evaluations and assign impairment ratings.
We take a team approach when working with our most difficult and sometimes hard to manage patients.